02 - Love Must be Sincere

For the Audio Version on YouTube, click here - Love Must be Sincere For the Audio Version on SoundCloud, click here - Love Must be Sincere In the first part of this series, we established the truth that the foundation for all relationships is our love for God, and love for one another. Since love is the key, we will try to understand how we can demonstrate this love for each other in tangible ways. Paul teaches us in Romans 12:9, that “Love must be genuine.” (ESV) To say it differently, our love for each other should be sincere, with no pretense or hypocrisy whatsoever. Let me pick a couple of examples of those who practiced this sincere love and also of one who faked this love. The love that bound Jonathan and David Jonathan was the son of King Saul and he was the successor to the throne of his father. David, on the other hand, was an ordinary shepherd boy. When David defeated Goliath, there was a beautiful friendship that developed between Jonathan and Dav...